Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007

William Seger

William Seger is the notorous wq2rx disinformation agent who plagues shill site Democratic Underground and the JFUCKs JREF Cult Website

1 Kommentar:

TAO hat gesagt…

Have I stumbled across more work from that facinating individual, Nicolai Haupt?

I did search for Nicolai's other work under "911subscriber", as he suggested. There seems to be significant overlap at this site, though I confess to be at a loss among the cryptography jargon.

If you are indeed Nicolai, let me express my sincere wish that you have been able to enjoy your native repasts recently, and to also congratulate your work here as extraodinarily thought provoking. One has the feeling that you speak of the arcane, just out side the reach of common understanding.

You, sir, are definitly an "original"! I look forward to future conversations.